The boys are at my house! Yes sirree. They arrived in the mail on Halloween. I won them from Marsha over at Tumblefish Studios. If you have not been to see her work, run, don't walk, now!! She's amazing, and seeing her work up close and personal is even more amazing. Jack (he's the one in the colorful witch's hat) was in Somerset Studios!! Actually, I think the 3 dream police were too.
The pictures are Marsha's work. I just added background and a little sign from Lorie Davison at Scrapbookgraphics.
Heeeeeeeeeeeere's Jack!! Thank you, Marsha. I am in LOVE!!!
1 comment:
Hi Kathy! I just saw your sweet comment on my blog today which for some reason my email sent to my spam folder. Silly email box. I rescued the email from the abyss and followed the links and found you and your sweet blog. So glad Miss Marsha is connecting the world together! I added myself as a blog follower, so now I can keep up with your art and ironing. :) Take care! -Shelly
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