I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings. Coming down, is the hardest thing. Tom Petty & Jeff Lynne
I'm Learning to Fly was made with almost all elements from Lorie Davison at Scrapbookgraphics except for the little bird which is from Scrapgirls, and the border from Tumblefish Studios.
Ain't Got Wings was made with elements from Holliewood Studios, Tangie Baxter, Sherri JD, and Christine Honsinger.
Coming Down was made with elements from Lorie Davison, Irene Alexeeva, and Sherri JD.
1 comment:
I love your pieces. I'm just getting into this whole digital collage thing myself and that's exactly the kinda thing I want to do. All I have is a bunch of unfinished things that I can't seem to find time to get back to. Having seen these, though, I feel inspired!
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